10 September 2015

Be Part Of This Live Changing Project.


It’s obvious our educationally system seems to be failing with the results promised us, with the ever increasing joblessness in our society and countless number of youths roaming the streets of our cities.
It’s clear a different approach is required! Someone once said that the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. The future development of Nigeria and Africa they say lie's in the rise of young entrepreneurs and quality leadership. It’s time we train our children with the right education they can apply to life, to develop them in the required skills to enable them create jobs for themselves and to become more relevant in the work place.
Base on this Elites and Royals Company hereby initiates a one day leadership/entrepreneur and skill acquisition program for secondary school tagged:


            Part 1-Talk Session. (Leadership/Entrepreneurs/National development)

                        Part 2-General Discussion/Question and Answer

                        Part 3-A Practical Skill Acquisition Training chosen by the school

                                    (All on the same day)

This is a national youth empowerment scheme set out to help empower the younger generation across the federation to help establish a platform for growth, through skill acquisition workshops (Bead making, soap making, Liquid soap, air fresher, Dettol, toilet soap, perfume, spray, insecticides, crayon, chalk, bleach, jelly, hair cream, spirits, face cleanser, shampoo, conditioner, gel, toothpaste, hair lotion. stove thread, Baking etc) and career counseling.
This program affords students the opportunity of acquiring the knowledge, tools and techniques of choosing a career path that soothes their individual personalities thereby helping them to discover, unleash and maximize their talents also create an avenue to generate income for themselves, which will in turn enhance their productivity in whatever working environment they find themselves in.

Corporate Organizations today go for people with skills order than people with acquired knowledge, that’s why a program like this is highly needful.

September - December 2015 Session kicks off on Monday 28th September 2015

We hereby are in need of nation builder inspired to build a nation for the following temporary positions:
Volunteer Facilitators
Brand Ambassadors
Volunteer Trainees
Volunteer Members

Duties: Volunteer facilitators shall help in proper tutoring and training on either leadership, entrepreneur, talent discovery or national development. He or She shall have well proven skills, experience and training on any choice of training.
Remuneration: Stipend 
            : Brand ambassadors Shall help in the initiative awareness in schools, they shall help in the projection of the initiate and it's purpose in school within their environment. 
Remuneration: Incentives based on school been able to reach out to.
            :Volunteer Trainees Shall help in the proper tutoring and practical trainings of different vocational skills based on their knowledge and acquired skills and he or she most have proven experience in such skills.  (Note: Few full time positions available)
Remuneration: Stipend 
            :Volunteer Members Shall be part of the general team working collectively in making the project a success.
Remuneration: Stipend 

If you wish to apply for any of this positions please click on the link below to register


For Sponsorships and Partnership Contact
The Management
Elites and Royals Youth Foundation
Tell: 08124374249,07038868889
Email: elitesandroyals@gmail.com

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