11 September 2015

Inspiring:The love for my blog a story to read.

The love for my blog. Over time now i had stopped posting articles and information's on my blog, reason best known to me, but more of every problems a young entrepreneur would face at inception of emergence, but what baffles me is that even when there is barely no new articles on my blog, I still get more than 1000 plus page views per month, it may be little compared to what giant blogs like Linda Ikeji may achieve per seconds but for a blog which is practically dormant since 2014 its something and encouraging.

Then it done on me on the little effect my blog had impacted with the little work i had dedicated to it in the past and the little followers who still believe in this blog.

For those who believed in this blog, those who stood by me, motivated, encouraged and those who took time to still check on this blog even when its parcatically dormant, I say a big thank you, your encouragement has further rekindle the passion in me as of the beginning and being dedicated to the mission of taking you to your dreams.

Remember its still about Leadership, Entrepreneur, Motivation, Lifestyle and Entertainment.
please stay connected for your daily, weekly and monthly post.

Best Regards
Your Blogger
Olubajo Emmanuel.

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