11 September 2015

Inspiring:The love for my blog a story to read.

The love for my blog. Over time now i had stopped posting articles and information's on my blog, reason best known to me, but more of every problems a young entrepreneur would face at inception of emergence, but what baffles me is that even when there is barely no new articles on my blog, I still get more than 1000 plus page views per month, it may be little compared to what giant blogs like Linda Ikeji may achieve per seconds but for a blog which is practically dormant since 2014 its something and encouraging.

10 September 2015

Be Part Of This Live Changing Project.


It’s obvious our educationally system seems to be failing with the results promised us, with the ever increasing joblessness in our society and countless number of youths roaming the streets of our cities.
It’s clear a different approach is required! Someone once said that the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. The future development of Nigeria and Africa they say lie's in the rise of young entrepreneurs and quality leadership. It’s time we train our children with the right education they can apply to life, to develop them in the required skills to enable them create jobs for themselves and to become more relevant in the work place.
Base on this Elites and Royals Company hereby initiates a one day leadership/entrepreneur and skill acquisition program for secondary school tagged: