5 November 2015

Houses Built for Poor in Bolivia Using Plastic Bottles By Inrid Vaca Diez

A Most Read: Can this ever happen in Nigeria?
Surfing trough the net i stumbled on this article about a Bolivian woman who has found a use for the environmental nuisance of plastic bottles by using them into building cheap and affordable houses for the poor. I remember i once got an invite to represent a friend and her brand Bailiff Africa ( The voice of green in Africa) to attend a new initiative called RECYCLE ARTICRATE which a lady by the name Adebayo Tobi ( who now as also become a good friend of mine) was introducing, which was all about sensitizing the environment, teaching on proper avenues and means of recycling waste product in our environment.
  According to the article,Ingrid Vaca Diez of Santa Cruz, Bolivia took note of the impact this harmful product on the environment, and made it her mission to use them to build homes for the poor. Read more and see more pics

Plastic water bottles happen to be the only resource in abundance throughout the poverty-stricken country. Diez’s life in Santa Cruz is not necessarily one of luxury, but she was motivated to be of service to her community when the  level of impoverished people kept rising.
With roughly 50 percent of Bolivia’s population living below the poverty level, it remains one of the poorest countries in South America. These people are forced to live in sub-standard housing conditions, with no more than a dirt floor to sleep on.

Think about it: that’s 10 million people living in makeshift shacks.
So far, Diez has built 10 homes using recycled plastic bottles filled with dirt instead of using wood. She is a completely self-taught carpenter and designer who chooses her projects based on the urgency of a particular family’s hardship.
“The people I am trying to help are rural, indigenous migrants who are often living in single room, dirt floor shacks,” Diez says. With hardly any funds or support, using the empty plastic bottles was the only way she was able to make these projects possible.
Besides giving back to her community, in the end, this small effort could also help avert a big environmental problem.
It looks like water bottles have come to serve at least some kind of positive purpose.

Source: First To Know
For More images:  Google link

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